Here's a script written by Gary Gagnon way back in 1995, (I can't even
remember back that far). It clones any listers that are currently in state
So if you have a Source lister with path 'RAM:' and one with path 'HD0:',
after running this script you'll end up with two listers open for each of
those paths.
$VER: CloneSRCE.dopus5 1.0 Jun-01-95
Written by: Gary Gagnon (
Purpose: ARexx script to clone SRCE lister(s)
Syntax: From function editor "ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/Same.dopus5 {Qp}"
Note: I keep my DOpus5 ARexx scripts in DOpus5:ARexx
Note: If no listers flagged as SRCE, nothing is opened
options results
parse arg portname
address value portname
'lister query source'
srclist = result
if result = 'RESULT' then
exit 0
do forever
if srclist = '' then leave
/* the following command line does a little ARexx magic */
/* try this with any other language - it won't be as simple! */
parse var srclist curlist srclist
if you couldn't figure it out, it extracts the first value from
the string and moves the remaining values (if any) back to the
same string. This is what allows this to duplicate all SRCE
listers within this simple loop (and also makes sure it won't be
an endless loop). Languages without type checks can be nice!
'lister new'
newlist = result
'lister copy' curlist newlist
Let's modify it a bit :)
$VER: Clone.dopus5 1.0 (23.9.98)
Original by: Gary Gagnon (
Purpose: ARexx script to clone SRCE/DEST lister(s)
Syntax: From function editor "ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/Same.dopus5 {Qp}
options results
parse arg portname state .
address value portname
if state = '' then exit
if pos(upper(state),'SOURCE DEST') = 0 then exit
'lister query 'state
srclist = result
if result = 'RESULT' then
exit 0
do forever
if srclist = '' then leave
/* the following command line does a little ARexx magic */
/* try this with any other language - it won't be as simple! */
parse var srclist curlist srclist
if you couldn't figure it out, it extracts the first value from
the string and moves the remaining values (if any) back to the
same string. This is what allows this to duplicate all SRCE
listers within this simple loop (and also makes sure it won't be
an endless loop). Languages without type checks can be nice!
'lister new'
newlist = result
'lister copy' curlist newlist
Now it will clone Source or Destination listers depending on whether you
call it with the SOURCE or DEST parameter.